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B3RB Setup

Overview of setup for the B3RB platform:

  1. Put together the physical B3RB platform.
  2. Setup a development machine for B3RB.
  3. Setup the NavQPlus on B3RB.
  4. Build and flash the Cerebri image for B3RB.

Putting together the physical B3RB platform

Please follow the links in the hardware overview.

Setup a development machine for B3RB

Please follow the the getting started guide for development computers.

Setup the NavQPlus on B3RB

Please follow the the NavQPlus setup guide.

Build and flash the Cerebri image for B3RB

If choosing to use the stable Airy release, make sure Cerebri is on the airy branch.

How do I know what branch Cerebri is on?

Check cerebri branch.
cd ~/cognipilot/ws/cerebri
git status
Which should return:
On branch airy
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/airy'.

nothing to commit, working tree clean
If it does not show that perform a git checkout:
Checkout airy branch on cerebri.
git checkout airy

Check for updates on Cerebri

Update Cerebri.
cd ~/cognipilot/ws/cerebri
git pull

Make sure Cerebri's Zephyr dependencies are up to date with west

Updating Cerebri's Zephyr dependencies with west.
cd ~/cognipilot/ws/cerebri
west update

Build Cerebri B3RB image for MR CANHUBK3 with west

Building Cerebri B3RB image with west.
cd ~/cognipilot/ws/cerebri
west build -b mr_canhubk3 app/b3rb -p

Flash Cerebri B3RB image with west to MR CANHUBK3

Make sure Segger JLink is on your system and the MR CANHUBK3 is connected to the JLink programmer.

Flashing MR CANHUBK3 with the Cerebri B3RB image using west.
cd ~/cognipilot/ws/cerebri
west flash