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Synapse Overview

Synapse is the general communication layer of CogniPilot. The goal of synapse is to provide an easily usable pub/sub mechanism which is efficient and easily extendible by users.

Synapse Protobuf

  • Synapse Protobuf defines the messages for CogniPilot in the Protobuf language. These messages are ROS compliant and NanoPB compliant.
  • Protobuf provides both a message definition format and a serialization format. One advantage of the protobuf serialization compared to CDR serialiation embedded in ROS is that the message fields are optional and can be enabled with binary flags. In addition NanoPB is a much smaller code base than existing CDR libraries and the NanoPB library is more stable and has more Zephyr RTOS support.
  • CDR serialization support is being considered in B-Mythical to simplify ROS integration.

Synapse TinyFrame

  • Synapse TinyFrame is a TinyFrame based library for creating data frames to be sent over serial interfaces such as UART, telenet, and sockets. Checksums and mutex are configurable using the TF_Config.h.
  • Synapse TinyFrame allows for a simple point to point protocol using the known topic key values pairs defined in SynapseTopic.h. This is in contrast to protocols such as zenoh where key value pairs are negotiated. This saves the overhead of the negotiation phase, but if more advanced communication topologies are needed, a synapse_zenoh is planned in the next release.

Synapse ROS

  • Synpase ROS is a bridge between the ROS pub/sub system and the Synapse TinyFrame + Synapse Protobuf based link to Cerebri. This allows communication between the more advanced algorithms in Cranium with the low level estimation and control algorithms running within Cerebri.

Synapse GZ

  • Synpase GZ is a bridge between the gazebo pub/sub system and the Synapse TinyFrame + Synapse Protobuf based link to Cerebri. This allows direct communication between the Gazebo simulator and Cerebri which is more effiecient for Software In the Loop (SIL) simulation.

Synapse Msgs

  • Synapse Msgs contains standard ROS messages that were created to more easily interface with CogniPilot systems such as Cerebri.

Example: Adding a New Message

Create a new file: ~/cognipilot/cranium/src/synapse_protobuf/proto/my_msg.proto

For more information on .proto and NanoPB options files see NanoPB.

syntax = "proto3";
package synapse.msgs;

import "header.proto";
import "vector3.proto";
import "quaternion.proto";

message MyMsg {
  Header header = 1;
  Quaternion my_quaternion = 2;
  repeated double my_array_of_doubles = 3;

Create a new nanopb options file: ~/cognipilot/cranium/src/synapse_protobuf/proto/my_msg.options

synapse.msgs.MyMsg.my_array_of_doubles max_count:9

Add topic for your message in ~/cognipilot/cranium/src/synapse_tinyframe/include/synapse_tinyframe/Synapse Topic.h

  • Consider adding to synapse_ros and synapse_\gz message handling if required.
  • Rebuild cranium.
    cd ~/cognipilot/cranium
    colcon build --symlink-install
  • Push synapse_protobuf and synapse_tinyframe to your git repository.
  • Update west in Cerebri to point to your git repository: west.yml
  • Add to Cerebri ZROS topic.
  • Add ROS to Cerebri Listener if necessary see code.
    #define TOPIC_LISTENER(CHANNEL, CLASS)                                        \
    static TF_Result CHANNEL##_listener(TinyFrame* tf, TF_Msg* frame)             \
    {                                                                             \
        CLASS msg = CLASS##_init_default;                                         \
        pb_istream_t stream = pb_istream_from_buffer(frame->data, frame->len);    \
        int rc = pb_decode(&stream, CLASS##_fields, &msg);                        \
        if (rc) {                                                                 \
            zros_topic_publish(&topic_##CHANNEL, &msg);                           \
            LOG_DBG("%s decoding\n", #CHANNEL);                                   \
        } else {                                                                  \
            LOG_WRN("%s decoding failed: %s\n", #CHANNEL, PB_GET_ERROR(&stream)); \
        }                                                                         \
        return TF_STAY;                                                           \
    TOPIC_LISTENER(bezier_trajectory, synapse_msgs_BezierTrajectory)
    TF_AddTypeListener(&ctx->tf, SYNAPSE_BEZIER_TRAJECTORY_TOPIC, bezier_trajectory_listener);

The following code runs in a loop to process the received bytes and use TinyFrame to process data frames. See TinyFrame for further documentation.

int len = zsock_recv(ctx->client, ctx->rx1_buf, sizeof(ctx->rx1_buf), 0);
TF_Accept(&ctx->tf, ctx->rx1_buf, len);
  • Add Cerebri to ROS Publisher if necessary see code

The publisher uses TF\Send to frame the message so that it can be sent via serial or ethernet etc.

#define TOPIC_PUBLISHER(DATA, CLASS, TOPIC)                               \
{                                                                         \
    TF_Msg msg;                                                           \
    TF_ClearMsg(&msg);                                                    \
    uint8_t buf[CLASS##_size];                                            \
    pb_ostream_t stream = pb_ostream_from_buffer((pu8)buf, sizeof(buf));  \
    int rc = pb_encode(&stream, CLASS##_fields, DATA);                    \
    if (rc) {                                                             \
        msg.type = TOPIC;                                                 \ = buf;                                                   \
        msg.len = stream.bytes_written;                                   \
        TF_Send(&ctx->tf, &msg);                                          \
    } else {                                                              \
        printf("%s encoding failed: %s\n", #DATA, PB_GET_ERROR(&stream)); \
    }                                                                     \

This code checks if there is an update on the ZROS status topic, if there is, it publishes a status message using TF as defined above.

if (zros_sub_update_available(&ctx->sub_status)) {
   TOPIC_PUBLISHER(&ctx->status, synapse_msgs_Status, SYNAPSE_STATUS_TOPIC);