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B3RB Electrode Overview

Electrode can be run with foxglove-studio or RVIZ 2 backends for the real and simulated B3RB. Foxglove-studio is the recommended and default backend for Electrode.

Electrode uses a joystick (virtual or physical) to control the B3RB.

To visualize and control the B3RB it is recommended to understand the key concepts and backend options with Electrode.

Using the default Electrode foxglove-studio backend with B3RB.

If using the foxglove backend for Electrode.

Make sure to have first followed instructions to install foxglove-studio and the foxglove CogniPilot Joystick extension.

By default Electrode uses foxglove-studio, for foxglove-studio to connect to the B3RB or B3RB simulation foxglove_bridge must be running.

On the robot's NavQPlus this happen automatically when running ros2 launch b3rb_bringup and uses by default the current network address of the WiFi mlan0 to instantiate the websockets over.

How do I make foxglove_bridge on the NavQPlus use a different network address?

A different network address can be used by passing it to the launch script.

Use different network address for foxglove_bridge:
ros2 launch b3rb_bringup address:='<other.ip.address>'
And then connect to it in Foxglove-Studio with ws://<other.ip.address>:4242.

What if I don't want to run foxglove_bridge on the NavQPlus?

Appending foxglove:=false to the launch command will prevent foxglove_bridge from running.

Run without foxglove_bridge:
ros2 launch b3rb_bringup foxglove:=false

My foxglove studio connected but it's not showing what I would expect it to, how do I load the b3rb.json layout file?
  1. Click the foxglove logo drop down in upper left followed by Import layout from file... Select foxglove logo drop down > Import layout from file...
  2. Click the b3rb.json file followed by clicking Select by navigating Home > cognipilot > electrode > src > electrode > foxglove_layouts > b3rb.json Select b3rb.json layout.
  3. The layout should now be present regardless of foxglove being connected to a websocket data source. b3rb.json layout in foxglove.

Optionally run Electrode with the RVIZ 2 backend for B3RB.

Electrode can be optionally run with the RVIZ 2 backend, however, it requires a physical joystick device for input.

Electrode with RVIZ 2:
ros2 launch electrode rviz2:=true

Make sure to also run without the foxglove_bridge on the NavQPlus.

Run without foxglove_bridge:
ros2 launch b3rb_bringup foxglove:=false