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B3RB Simulation

Simulation uses gazebo harmonic to simulate sensors and physics in the "dream" worlds that connects to Cerebri running on top of the Zephyr RTOS native_sim.

Before running simulation

Before running the simulation for the first time make sure to have first followed the installation for development computer guide. Once at building the workspace make sure to select 1. b3rb for the platform. This will also build Cerebri for native_sim so the section below "Build Cerebri for native_sim" can be skipped if the build_workspace script was just run. If other images have been built in Cerebri since running the script make sure to follow "Build Cerebri for native_sim".

Build Cerebri for native_sim

To build Cerebri for native_sim (posix) make sure the Zephyr RTOS build environment is up to date and that at some point previously the build_workspace script was run for b3rb.

If the build_workspace script was just run, the steps in this section can be skipped.

This section only needs to be run if different images have been built in Cerebri since having run the build_workspace script.

Update Zephyr RTOS build environment with west:
cd ~/cognipilot/ws/cerebri
git pull
west update

Build the Cerebri for native_sim, install and source it so it can be found.

Build and install Cerebri for native_sim:
west build -b native_sim app/b3rb/ -p -t install
source ~/.bashrc

Run Electrode

If using the foxglove backend for Electrode.

Make sure to have first followed instructions to install foxglove-studio and the foxglove CogniPilot Joystick extension.

To visualize and control the simulated B3RB it is recommended to understand the key concepts and backend options with Electrode, the default Electrode backend is foxglove-studio.

Run Electrode with the foxglove-studio backend for B3RB simulation.

Electrode for simulation with foxglove:
ros2 launch electrode sim:=true
Foxglove studio opened, how do I connect it to the simulation?

After launching electrode with only passing sim:=true connect to it on ws://localhost:8765 Connect foxglove with simulation websocket

Example of depot world simulation with electrode running foxglove.

B3RB Depot world simulation with foxglove

My foxglove studio connected but it's not showing what I would expect it to, how do I load the b3rb.json layout file?
  1. Click the foxglove logo drop down in upper left followed by Import layout from file... Select foxglove logo drop down > Import layout from file...
  2. Click the b3rb.json file followed by clicking Select by navigating Home > cognipilot > electrode > src > electrode > foxglove_layouts > b3rb.json Select b3rb.json layout.
  3. The layout should now be present regardless of foxglove being connected to a websocket data source. b3rb.json layout in foxglove.

Optionally run Electrode with the RVIZ 2 backend for B3RB simulation.

Electrode can be optionally run with the RVIZ 2 backend for simulation, however, it requires a physical joystick device for input.

Electrode for simulation with RVIZ 2:
ros2 launch electrode rviz2:=true sim:=true

Example of depot world simulation with electrode running rviz2.

B3RB Depot world simulation with rviz2


The default dream world for B3RB is the basic map world.

Launch simulation with basic map world:
ros2 launch b3rb_gz_bringup

My ROS 2 cerebri_bringup node is showing an error and is keeping simulation from running.

If the simulation launch script is throwing an error about cerebri_bringup make sure that cerebri is built, installed and sourced properly for native_sim.

If running on a machine with a powerful graphics card optionally run the more graphics intensive depot world.

Launch simulation with depot world:
ros2 launch b3rb_gz_bringup world:=depot

Video example of using the simulation

Example of using simulation with electrode running foxglove.